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The Calibration and Validation Office (CVO) at NASA/GSFC: A Comprehensive Program for the Calibration and Validation of Oceanic Biogeochemical Satellite Data

M. E. Russ, NASA/GSFC/UMBC/GEST, (Presenting)
S. B. Hooker, NASA/GSFC,

The Calibration and Validation Office (CVO) at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has established a comprehensive and long-term program for calibrating and validating oceanic biogeochemical satellite data. Two main tasks of the plan, a calibration and validation component and a satellite data processing component, form internal core goals. Supplemental aspects of the plan are interdependent, and are visualized as an external, core-connecting ring radiating from these two main internal core objectives. Various projects have been formulated and executed to meet the projected core components and peripheral aspects of the plan. Calibration and validation component activities include reviewing method standards and traceability by formulating the Investigations of Marine Absorption Coefficients with Traceability (IMPACT) working group, participating in the Fourth SeaWiFS High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Round-Robin Experiment (SeaHARRE-4) in Copenhagen, Denmark, partaking in the I6S Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) research cruise (February 4 - March 16, 2008), proposing the Optical Sensors for Planetary Radiant Energy (OSPREy) above-water, off-shore radiometer system, refining inherent optical properties (IOP) radiometry through research cruises and preliminary round-robin experiments, establishing an Optical Properties Analytical Laboratory (OPAL) designed to incorporate both optical and biogeochemical data collection and analyses, developing and evaluating new apparent optical properties (AOP) radiometers, coordinating international partnerships through future inter-calibration studies with the BOUSSOLE in-water mooring. Highlights of the satellite data processing component encompass populating the NASA SeaWiFS Bio-Optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS) with high-quality data, and designing a web-based data processor for refinement and storage of radiometric data.

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