January 15, 2008
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year! We would like to update you on plans for the 2008 Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems (CC&E) Joint Science Workshop to be held April 28-May 2, 2008, at the University of Maryland Conference Center (UMCC) in Adelphi, Maryland.
PLEASE do us the favor of reading this entire message carefully so that we may reduce confusion about the purpose(s) of this workshop and what we expect of you.
The CC&E Focus Area includes the following NASA research and applied sciences program elements:
- Terrestrial Ecology Program (Diane Wickland/Bill Emanuel),
- Land Cover and Land Use Change (Garik Gutman),
- Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry (Paula Bontempi)
- Biodiversity (Woody Turner),
- Ecological Forecasting (Woody Turner)
- Agricultural Efficiency (Woody Turner, Acting)
- Invasive Species (Woody Turner, Acting)
- Carbon Management (Woody Turner, Acting)
We are organizing this workshop to achieve two complementary objectives 1) to share scientific research results and foster interdisciplinary interactions within the CC&E Focus Area and 2) to serve as the next regular science team meeting for each of these programs: Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry, Terrestrial Ecology, Land Cover and Land Use Change, Biodiversity, and Ecological Forecasting.
The first 3 days of the workshop (Monday-Wednesday) focus on research results, emerging issues, and new research directions - with opportunities to discuss issues and provide community feedback. The final one or two days of the workshop are devoted to program-related business or, in the case of Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting, oral presentations on individual projects. We expect that scientists supported by the above program elements will participate in both parts of the workshop.
The CC&E Focus Area also includes research on relevant topics that are supported through NASA's Interdisciplinary Science, Earth Observing System, New Investigator, NPOESS Preparatory Project, Earth and Space Science Fellowship, MEaSUREs, REASoN, ACCESS, Technology, and other programs. Scientists participating in these programs are encouraged to participate fully in the workshop.
First draft agendas for Monday-Wednesday and for some of the program element sessions are now available on the meeting website; others will be posted as they become available.
In the next few weeks, we will be contacting many of you and asking for your help in developing and/or presenting the invited papers, leading breakout discussions, and organizing certain discussions. We hope you will be generous with your time and ideas!
Registration and Poster Abstract submission will open in February with a deadline for poster submission on March 28, 2008. We invite posters from all of the investigations funded through our CC&E research and applied sciences program elements. We are hoping that scientists conducting carbon cycle and ecosystems research under other NASA programs will also submit posters. Additionally, we will be inviting posters on cross-cutting programs and projects and from key partners relevant to the Focus Area.
We have a block of hotel rooms at the UMCC Marriot under "NASA Carbon Cycle". You may make hotel reservations either online (http://cwp.marriott.com/wasum/carboncycle/) or by calling (1.800.228.9290). We encourage you to make your hotel arrangements as soon as possible.
We will provide opportunities for people to get together for side meetings and/or to exchange information about a variety of activities and topics that cannot be covered though the formal agenda. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, some breaks, and all day Friday until 5 pm are available (but please note Land Cover and Land Use Change and Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting team members will be committed to their team meeting on Friday). If you would like to see or give a demonstration of a data product, service, or tool, send your request or details of your demonstration needs (room, internet, laptop, LCD, etc.) to support@cce.nasa.gov by February 28, 2008. If you would like to organize a special group meeting or small workshop, please send your requirements (room size, number of participants, amount of time needed, any AV needs) and preferred date and time to support@cce.nasa.gov by February 28, 2008. We will schedule these on a first come, first served basis up to the limits or our physical resources. We will screen these activities for relevance and appropriateness to the Focus Area before scheduling them. For the rest, you will be responsible for all other aspects of organization, communications, and logistics for these side sessions.
We look forward to seeing you at the Joint Workshop!
Paula Bontempi, Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program
Bill Emanuel, Terrestrial Ecology Program
Garik Gutman, Land Cover and Land Use Change Program
Woody Turner, Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Programs (Acting Program Manager for Carbon Management, Invasive Species, and Agricultural Efficiency)
Diane Wickland, Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Focus Area Lead and Terrestrial Ecology Program