Detailed Agenda (with links to uploaded presentations and discussion forums) 2006 Joint Workshop on NASA Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecology,and Related Applied Sciences August 21-25, 2006, University of Maryland Inn and Conference Center
- Presenters are italicized.
- Click on the [presentation] link to view the corresponding presentation (if available).
- Click on [questions and discussion] or [discussion forum] to view discussion forum comments.
- Click on [abstract] to view the poster abstract.
- Click on [view details] to see extended agenda information (if available).
8:30 AM | | Welcome: Workshop goals, objectives, and agenda
-- Auditorium
Workshop goals, objectives, and agenda
-- (Bill Emanuel)
9:00 AM | | Stage Setting
-- Auditorium
9:00 AM
Terrestrial Ecology (Carbon & Ecosystems)
-- (Diane Wickland)
9:40 AM
Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting
-- (Woody Turner)
10:00 AM
Applied Sciences Topics
-- (Ed Sheffner)
11:00 AM | | Plenary: Biodiversity and Invasive Species (part 1)
-- Auditorium
11:00 AM
Putting Process on the Map: Why Ecological Gradients Are Important for Preserving Biodiversity
-- (Tom Smith)
11:20 AM
Ecological Forecasting in the Intertidal Zone: How Can Remote Sensing Tell Us Where and When to Look for the Consequences of Climate Change?
-- (Brian Helmuth)
11:40 AM
Biophysical and Land-use Controls of Biodiversity: Regional to Continental Scales
-- (Andrew Hansen)
12:00 PM | | Lunch & Poster Sessions (authors at posters 1-2 pm)
-- Main Concourse
Biodiversity Posters:
1.1-P: Remote Inventory for a Northern Temperate Forest: Integrating Waveform Lidar with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery (Jeanne E. Anderson, Mary E. Martin, Lucie Plourde, Marie-Louise Smith, Ralph O. Dubayah, Michelle A. Hofton, J. Bryan Blair, Rob Braswell)
1.2-P: Multi-Dimensional Vegetation Structure in Modeling Avian Habitat (Kathleen Bergen, Amy Gilboy, Daniel Brown)
1.3-P: Counting Animals from Space: Chapter Two Transitions from Captivity to Wild Places (Scott Bergen, Eric Sanderson)
1.4-P: Application of Remote Sensing Data in Predictive
Models of Species’ Distribution (Wolfgang Buermann, Sassan Saatchi, Brian R. Zutta, Jaime Chaves, Borja Mila, Cathrine H. Graham, Tom B. Smith)
1.5-P: Bio Bulletin: a Biodiversity Education and Public Outreach Medium Reaching 10 Million Annually (Ned Gardiner)
1.6-P: Application of Ecological Modeling and Remote Sensing Data Assimilation in Restoration and Conservation of the
Brazilian Atlantic Forest
(Ana Paula Giorgi, Sassan Saatchi, Wolfgang Buermann, Thomas Smith)
1.7-P: Laser Remote Sensing of Canopy Habitat Heterogeneity as a Predictor of Bird Diversity in Maryland (Scott Goetz, Dan Steinberg, Ralph Dubayah, Bryan Blair)
1.9-P: Response of birds to landscape matrix in fragmented forests in Jamaica (Christina Marie Kennedy, Maile Neel, William Fagan, Peter Marra, Ruth Defries)
1.10-P: Forest Structure and Biodiversity on a Steep Geophysical Gradient: the Cloud Forest Lee Margin (Robert O. Lawton, Ronald M. Welch, Udaysankar S. Nair, Kerry Rabenold, William A. Haber)
1.11-P: Predicting composition and structure of Hawaiian tropical dry forests (Stephanie Pau, Thomas Gillespie)
1.12-P: Giant Panda Habitat Distribution across its Entire Geographic Range: A Preliminary Assessment (Andres Vina, Weihua Xu, Yu Li, Zhiyun Ouyang, Jiaguo Qi, Jianguo (Jack) Liu)
1.13-P: Will the proposed Mesoamerican Biological Corridor protect Biodiversity: Highlighting potential problems with biological corridors. (Ronald M Welch, Deepak K Ray, Udaysankar S Nair, Robert O Lawton)
1.14-P: Remote Sensing in Support of Ecosystem Management Treaties (Alex de Sherbinin, John Mickelson)
1.15-P: Global Socioeconomic Data for Understanding Human-Environment Interactions (Alex M. de Sherbinin, Robert S. Chen)
Invasive Species Posters:
2.1-P: Assessing Resolution Tradeoffs of Remotely Sensed Data for Invasive Species Detection (Lori Mann Bruce, Wesley Johnson, Abhinav Mathur)
2.2-P: Remote Sensing of Aquatic Invasives via Multi-Resolution Analysis of Time-Series Data: Fusing MODIS Vegetation Signatures and NOAA Buoy Signals (Lori Mann Bruce, Abhinav Mathur, John Madsen)
2.3-P: Development and Implementation of Remote Sensing Techniques to Monitor Invasive Plant Species in the State of Idaho (Nancy Glenn, Jacob Mundt, Keith Weber, Jeffrey Pettingill, Jessica Mitchell)
2.4-P: N-fixation by kudzu (Pueraria montana): impacts on nitrogen cycling and soil microbial communities by an invasive vine. (Jonathan Hickman, Manuel Lerdau)
2.5-P: Hyperspectral remote sensing and geospatial modeling for monitoring invasive plant species (Earle Raymond Hunt)
2.6-P: Airborne Hyperspectral Research & Development for Invasive Species Detection and Mapping (Kenneth McGwire, Timothy Minor, Bradley Schultz, Christopher Kratt)
2.7-P: Initial results using NASA’s Invasive Species Forecasting System to support National Park Service decisions on fire management activities and invasive plant species control. (Jeffrey Thomas Morisette, Nate Benson, Kara Paintner, Neal Most, Pete Ma, Asad Ullah, Weijie Cai, Monique Rocca, Joel Silverman, Jeff Pedelty, John Schnase)
2.8-P: Plant Invasions and Land Use in an Agricultural Frontier: The case of bracken fern invasion in southern Yucatan Peninsular region. (Laura Schneider)
2.9-P: Detection of the Invasive Red Brome (Bromus rubens) in a Post-fire Landscape Using Landsat and MODIS Imagery (J. W. Skiles, Cindy Schmidt, Tracy Andres, Cyrus Hiatt, Mahdi Ashktorab, Zachary Likens, Isaac Wilson)
2:00 PM | | Plenary: Biodiversity and Invasive Species (part 2)
-- Auditorium
2:00 PM
Modeling and Visualizing Species Movement
-- (Fred Watson)
2:22 PM
Initial results using NASA's Invasive Species Forecasting System to support National Park Service decisions on fire management activities and invasive plant species control
-- (Jeff Morisette)
2:45 PM
Discussion: Research to Applications
3:30 PM | | Breakout Groups |
1. Biodiversity research goals & objectives / future directions
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Hank Shugart, Frank Muller-Karger
Room: Auditorium
3. Data & information systems and processing (session 1)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Tony King, Paul Davis
Room: 2110
6. Systematic Observations / Land Measurements Team (session 1)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Chris Justice, John Townshend
Room: 1109/1111
7. ESSP missions, secondary uses of NASA satellite data (OCO, ICESat, etc.), and non-NASA missions (session 1)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Marc Simard, Hank Margolis
Room: 2112
Tuesday, August 22 |
Biodiversity & Ecological Forecasting Project Presentations will occur throughout the day in room 1312 on Tuesday concurrent with the Plenary Sessions on Ecosystem Function/Physiology, Remote Sensing Science, & Agricultural Efficiency in the Auditorium and Breakout Sessions in various rooms listed below. |
Plenary Sessions -- Auditorium 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM see details below |  |
All Day Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Session -- Room: 1312 8:00 AM - 5:40 PM
8:30 AM | | Plenary: Ecosystem Function/Physiology, Remote Sensing Science, & Agricultural Efficiency (part 1)
-- Auditorium
8:30 AM
Remote sensing of ecosystem productivity, light-use efficiency, and stress
-- (Alfredo Huete)
8:55 AM
Trends in Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Function and Physiology
-- (Greg Asner)
9:20 AM
Remote Sensing of Vegetation 3-D structure, Quantifying Patterns and Understanding Processes
-- (Sassan Saatchi)
10:15 AM | | Plenary: Ecosystem Function/Physiology, Remote Sensing Science, & Agricultural Efficiency (part 2)
-- Auditorium
10:15 AM
Fire Observations for Science and Applications
-- (Chris Justice)
10:40 AM
Integrating NASA Earth Science Data into Global Agricultural Decision Support Systems: Data Analysis and Visualization to Ensure Optimal Use
-- (Steven Kempler)
11:05 AM
Near-Real Time Monitoring of Global Lakes and Reservoirs: Water Resources, Irrigation Potential and Agriculture
-- (Charon Birkett)
11:30 AM
Discussion: Remote Sensing Science/Physiology & Function/ Agricultural Efficiency: Research to Applications
11:50 AM | | Lunch & Poster Sessions (authors at posters 1-2 pm)
-- Main Concourse
Ecosystem Function/Physiology Posters:
3.1-P: Fire regime and woody cover changes in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem (Jan Dempewolf, Ruth DeFries, Simon Trigg, Robin Reid, Suzanne Serneels, Mohammed Said)
3.2-P: The effect of warming on tropical forest gas exchange. (Chris Doughty, Mike Goulden, Scott Miller, Humberto da Rocha)
3.3-P: Trends in circumpolar photosynthetic activity from 1982-2003 (Scott Goetz, Andy Bunn, Greg Fiske)
3.4-P: Amazonian Dry Season: Controls of Evapotranspiration (Robinson I Negrón Juárez, Rong Fu, Martin G Hodnett, Michael L Goulden, Celso von Randow)
3.5-P: North American Regional Ecosystem Dynamics Observed with Satellite Data (Christopher S Neigh, Compton J Tucker, John RG Townshend, G Jim Collatz)
3.6-P: Multitemporal Assessment of Vegetation Disturbance in the Okavango Delta, Botswana (Amy L Neuenschwander, Kelley A Crews-Meyer)
3.7-P: Remote Sensing and GIS Approach Detects Key Resource Areas for Large Herbivores in Kenyan Rangelands
(Moffatt Kangiri Ngugi, Richard Theodore Conant)
3.8-P: Nutrient and light controls on grass productivity in an African woodland savanna (Lydia P. Ries, Herman H. Shugart)
Remote Sensing Science Posters:
4.1-P: Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery: Level Set Methods that Exploit Spectral Information (John Ball, Lori Mann Bruce)
4.2-P: Range Resolved Measurements of CO2 in the Lower Troposphere (John Burris, Arlyn Andrews, Haris Riris, Mike Krainak, James Abshire, Xiaoli Sun, William Heaps)
4.3-P: A Multi-Angle Approach to Mapping Forest and Shrub Canopy Structure in the Southwestern United States (Mark James Chopping, Lihong Su, Andrea Laliberte, Albert Rango, Gretchen G. Moisen, John V. Martonchik)
4.4-P: Subsetting Tools for MODIS Land Products: Time-series data for field sites (Robert B. Cook, Stephen M. Margle, Suresh Kumar Santhana Vannan, Susan K. Holladay, Tammy W. Beaty)
4.5-P: Vertical Structure Complexity Assessment of Tropical Forests from a Portable LiDAR System (Amanda N Cooper, John F Weishampel, Jason Drake, David Clark, Geoffrey Parker)
4.6-P: Towards multi-platform validation of active fire products from moderate resolution sensors in the Amazon (Ivan Csiszar, Wilfrid Schroeder, Jeffrey Morisette, Elaine Prins, Christopher Schmidt)
4.7-P: Exploring the role of global terrestrial ecosystem in the climate-carbon cycle interactions: An Integrated modeling and remote sensing approach (Robert E. Dickinson, Liming Zhou, Yuhong Tian)
4.8-P: Land cover classification of the Southern Yucatan & Improvement of secondary successional forest mapping (Rebecca P Dickson, J Ronald Eastman, Birgit Schmook)
4.10-P: Development of a prototype remote sensing data assimilation system for improving land products (Hongliang Fang, Shunlin Liang, John R. Townshend, Robert E. Dickinson)
4.11-P: Fitting a two-component scattering model to polarimetric SAR data from forests (Anthony Freeman)
4.12-P: Considerations on Validation of Space Based CO2 Measurement (William Stanley Heaps, Elena Georgieva, Emily L Wilson)
4.13-P: Water Column Radiative Transfer Compensations for Coral Reef Remote Sensing (Eric J Hochberg, Marlin J Atkinson)
4.14-P: Satellite Microwave Retrieval of Arctic and Boreal
Soil Temperature and Moisture for Biophysical Monitoring (Lucas A. Jones, John S. Kimball, Kyle C. McDonald, Eni G. Njoku, Walt Oechel)
4.15-P: Retrieving canopy structure from MISR data (Yuri Knyazikhin, Dong Huang, Mitchell Schull, Ranga B. Myneni)
4.16-P: NASA's Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS): Current Measurement Performance and Contributions to Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecology, and Related Applied Sciences (Robert O. Green, Michael Eastwood, Charles Sarture, Scott Nolte, Linley Kroll, Sarah Lundeen)
4.17-P: Land long-term data record from AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS (Edward J Masuoka, Nazmi Z Saleous, Eric Vermote, Jeffery Privette, David Roy, Compton J Tucker, Jorge E Pinzon, Steve Prince)
4.18-P: Variability in seasonal freeze-thaw in the terrestrial high latitudes and relationships with land-atmosphere CO2 exchange: Characterization with spaceborne microwave remote sensing (Kyle C. McDonald, John S. Kimball, Steven W. Running)
4.19-P: NASA's Land Product Validation Infrastructure (Jeffrey Thomas Morisette, Jaime Nickeson, Sebastien Garrigues)
4.20-P: Analysis of LAI of FPAR Products from the Terra MODIS Sensor: 2000-2006 (Ranga B Myneni, Yuri Knyazikhin, Nikolay V. Shabanov)
4.21-P: Amazonia Evapotranspiration calculated from remote sensing data (Robinson I Negrón Juárez, Rong Fu, Ranga B Myneni, Eric F Wood, Sergio Bernardes, Huilin Gao)
4.22-P: Bioinformatic Mapping of Ocean Biogeochemical Provinces (Matthew Oliver, Andrew Irwin, Oscar Schofield, Paul Falkowski)
4.23-P: Examination of Canopy Disturbance in Logged Forests in the Brazilian Amazon using IKONOS Imagery (Michael Palace, Michael Keller, Stephen Hagen, Bobby Braswell)
4.24-P: Satellite Remote Sensing and Biological Impacts of Climate Change: A Case Study of the California Mussel (Christel Lopez Purvis, Venkat Lakshmi, Brian Helmuth)
4.25-P: Testing a promising remote sensing of methane with in situ observations of emissions from a natural marine hydrocarbon seep (Ira Leifer, Dar A Roberts, Jack S Margolis)
4.26-P: LIDAR Height Measures in Tropical and Coniferous Forests (Dar A.. Roberts, Matthew L. Clark, Phil E Dennison, Kerry Q Halligan, Bothaina Natour, Geoffrey G Parker)
4.27-P: MODIS BRDF/Albedo Products and Applications (Crystal Schaaf, Alan Strahler, Jicheng Liu, Yanmin Shuai, Ziti Jiao, Miguel Roman, John Hodges, Qingling Zhang, Feng Gao, Michael King, Eric Moody)
4.28-P: Putting the puzzle together: Connecting the HyperSAS with BreveBuster absorbance spectra, fluorometer, extracted chlorophyll and MODIS data. (Blake Schaeffer, Daniel Kamykowski, John Morrison, Stuart Banks, Anita McCulloch, William Sweet)
4.29-P: Quantifying the impact of cloud obscuration on remote sensing of active fires in the Brazilian Amazon (Wilfrid Schroeder)
4.30-P: Temporal Decorrelation Studies Relevant for a Vegetation InSAR Mission (Paul Siqueira, Bruce Chapman, Scott Hensley, Kathleen Bergen)
4.31-P: Wind-Driven Upwelling in Lakes: Water Clarity and Fish Mortality (Todd Steissberg, Simon Hook, Geoffrey Schladow, Belen Marti)
4.32-P: Retrieval of Vegetation Structure and Carbon Balance Parameters Using Ground-Based Lidar and Scaling to Airborne and Spaceborne Lidar Sensors (Alan Strahler, Wenge Ni-Meister, Curtis Woodcock, Xiaowen Li, David Jupp, Darius Culvenor)
4.33-P: Test impacts of cloud and aerosols on methane retrievals using 3D CTM. (Qian Tan, Ronald Prinn, Christian Frankenberg, Yu-Han Chen)
4.34-P: Monitoring Vegetation State and Disturbance Using the MOD44 Product Suite (John Townshend, Matthew Hansen, Robert Sohlberg, Ruth DeFries)
4.35-P: 3-Dimensional Tropical-Forest Structure from Interferometric SAR (Robert Treuhaft, Bruce Chapman, Luciano Dutra, Joăo Roberto dos Santos, Jose Claudio Mura, Fábio Gonçalves, Paulo Alencastro Graça, Corina da Costa Freitas, Jason Drake)
4.36-P: Measuring Fisher Success, A Landscape Approach
(Tracy Van Holt)
4.37-P: Impact of Pixel Size on Mapping Surface Water in Subsolar Imagery (Vern C Vanderbilt, Shruti Khanna, Susan L. Ustin)
4.38-P: Improving access to Land and Atmosphere science products from Earth Observing Satellites: Helping NACP investigators better utilize MODIS data products. (Robert Wolfe, Jeff Morisette, Feng Gao, Greg Ederer, Jeff Pedelty)
4.39-P: Coherent Radar Backscatter Modeling of Three-Dimensional Forest Canopies (Guoqing Sun, Dawei Liu)
Agricultural Efficiency Posters:
5.1-P: Near-Real Time Monitoring of Global Lakes and Reservoirs: Water Resources, Irrigation Potential and Agriculture. (Charon Birkett, Brian Beckley, Curt Reynolds, Brad Doorn)
5.2-P: Improved Global Agricultural Assessment and Forecasting from AMSR-E Soil Moisture Estimates (John Bolten, Wade Crow, Xiwu Zhan, Tom Jackson, Curt Reynolds, Brad Doorn)
5.3-P: Observing how carbon, energy, and water transports fluxes change with the introduction of intensive agriculture in the Amazon. (David R. Fitzjarrald, Ricardo K. Sakai, Otavio C. Acevedo, Osvaldo M.M. Moraes, Rodrigo daSilva)
5.4-P: Integrating NASA Earth Science Data into USDA Global Agricultural Models and Decision Support Systems, and UN World Food Programme Crop Monitoring Decision Support Systems (Steve Kempler, William Teng, Paul Doraiswamy, Zhong Liu, Robert Tetrault, Long Chiu, Lenard Milich)
5.5-P: Quantifying impacts of water management on crop yield, net greenhouse gas emissions and water use efficiency for rice production in Asia with remote sensing and biogeochemical modeling approaches (Changsheng Li, Xiangming Xiao, Steve Frolking, Berrien Moore, William Salas)
5.6-P: The Global Agriculture Monitoring (GLAM) Project: Enhancing Crop Production Forecasting and Agricultural Monitoring Capabilities of the Foreign Agriculture Service using Moderate Resolution Satellite Data (Inbal Reshef, Mark Sullivan, Matthew Hansen, Assaf Anyamba, Jen Small, Compton Tucker, Jacques Descloitres, Jackie Kendall, Jeff Schmaltz, Brad Doorn, Chris Justice)
5.7-P: An Observational and Modeling Study of Regional Impacts of Climate Variability at Agricultural Scales (Radley Horton, Cynthia Rosenzweig)
Science Support Posters:
6.1-P: WaterNet: The NASA Water Cycle Solutions Network (Paul R. Houser, Deborah R. Belvedere, Bisher Imam, Robert Schiffer, Courtney Adam Schlosser, Hoshin Gupta, Claire Welty, Charles Vorosmarty, Dave Matthews, Rick Lawford)
6.2-P: Addressing the unique safety and design concerns for operating towers in scientific field campaigns. (Ann C Steele, Daniel J Hodkinson, Peter C Griffith)
6.3-P: Enhancing Linkages Between Projects and Datasets: Examples from LBA-ECO for NACP (Lisa Wilcox, Amy L. Morrell, Peter C. Griffith)
6.4-P: Towards Integrated Global Monitoring of Biodiversity [abstract]
6.5-P: Ultra Fine Resolution Imagery Available at the Global Land Cover Facility (Paul Davis, Saurabh Channan)
2:00 PM | | Breakout Groups |
1. Remote Sensing Science goals & objectives/future directions
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Warren Cohen, John Kimball
Room: Auditorium
2. Ecosystem function/physiology goals & objectives/future directions
[questions and discussion]
Chair: Michael Goulden
Room: 1109/1111
4. New and currently unmet needs for observations and/or support (session 1)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Robert Green, Kathleen Bergen
Room: 2129
5. Airborne (suborbital) science: platforms and sensors (session 1)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Scott Ollinger, Dar Roberts
Room: 2109
6. Modeling tools and computational capabilities (session 1)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Peter Thornton, Randy Kawa
Room: 109
7:00 PM | | Special Sessions |
The Business of NASA Research: What NASA Managers Want You to Know About Proposals and Awards and What You Want NASA Managers to Know About Your Experiences
(Diane Wickland)
Chair: Diane Wickland
Room: Auditorium
This special session will offer workshop participants the opportunity to learn more about why NASA requires certain information in proposals and how that information is used. The review and selection process will be explained. It will also explain the award and costing processes (and why uncosted carryover is undesirable) and the new Task Book. Workshop participants will be offered the opportunity to share their experiences with proposals and awards and call attention to procedures that create difficulties. A brief presentation / introduction (<15 min.) by Wickland will be followed by a general discussion.
Research to Operations : Directed discussion on moving research results, model output and observations into operational systems.
(Ed Sheffner)
Chair: Ed Sheffner
Room: 1109/1111
This special session will have discussion including the review of past cases, identification of best ways to proceed, and recommendations from NRC on procedures and measurements of success.
8:30 AM | | Plenary
-- Auditorium
8:30 AM
NASA Science Mission Diectorate Perspective
-- (Bryant Cramer)
8:50 AM
NASA Earth Science - Research Perspective
-- (Jack Kaye)
9:10 AM
NASA Earth Science - Applied Sciences Perspective
-- (Marty Frederick)
9:30 AM
Questions / Discussion
10:30 AM | | Plenary: Modeling and Ecological Forecasting (part 1)
-- Auditorium
10:30 AM
Integrating remote sensing with ecosystem modeling at multiple scales
-- (Steve Running)
10:55 AM
Challenges in Modeling Carbon-Climate Interactions for the 21st Century
-- (Inez Fung)
11:20 AM
Land Use and a Changing Biosphere
-- (Jonathan Foley)
11:45 PM | | Lunch & Poster Sessions (authors at posters 12:45-1:50 pm)
-- Main Concourse
Ecosystem Modeling Posters:
7.1-P: Changing Responses of Land Dynamics and Vulnerability to Flooding Under Policy and Environmental Change Near Poyang Lake China (Kathleen Bergen, Daniel Brown, Shuming Bao, Tingting Zhao, Qing Tian)
7.2-P: Modeling the disturbance of vegetation by fire in the boreal forest (Cyril Crevoisier, Elena Shevliakova, Manuel Gloor, Christian Wirth)
7.3-P: Towards Better Carbon Budget Estimates for North America (Janusz Eluszkiewicz, Thomas Nehrkorn, John Lin, Christopher Gerbig, Saulo Freitas, Steven Wofsy, Daniel Matross, Pathmathevan Mahadevan, Marcos Longo)
7.4-P: Reintroducing a large herbivore: a remote sensing and modeling approach to determine the mountain bongo’s (Tragelaphus euryceros isaaci) past and present critical habitat (Lyndon Despard Estes, Adam Gachuhi Mwangi, Gregory S. Okin, Herman Henry Shugart)
7.5-P: Large-scale modeling shows little impact of 20th-century changes in temperature and fire on the central Canadian boreal forest (Ben Bond-Lamberty, Stith Gower, Ahl Douglas)
7.6-P: Complete landscape characterization of tree density and its application to environmental gradient analysis (Jonathan Asher Greenberg, Solomon Z. Dobrowski, Vern C. Vanderbilt)
7.7-P: Understanding the Changing Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water Cycles in the Earth System (Berrien Moore, George Hurtt, Bobby Braswell, Steve Frolking, Changsheng Li, Jerry Melillo, Scott Ollinger, Stephen Pacala, Sybil Seitzinger, Robert Stallard, Charles Vorosmarty, Xiangming Xiao)
7.8-P: Forest Inventory and Analysis and the North American Carbon Program: A Model for Collaboration (Gretchen Moisen, Sean Healey, Warren Cohen, Sam Goward, Jeff Masek, Scott Powell, Robert Kennedy, Chengquang Huang)
7.9-P: Savannization of a tropical forest frontier: modeling changes in forest structure from anthropogenic fires and climate change (Douglas C Morton, Ruth S DeFries)
7.10-P: Canopy Radiative Transfer for Global Vegetation Dynamic Models: Characterization of Foliage Clumping (Wenge Ni-Meister, Nancy Kiang, Paul Moorcroft)
7.11-P: Integrating material and symbolic environments with remotely-sensed imagery: the case of US/Mexico borderlands (Marlkus Nils Peterson, Andres Vina, Jianguo Liu)
7.12-P: LBA-ECO Synthesis Studies of Intensive Agriculture Impacts in the Amazon/Cerrado: Field Data, Remote Sensing, Modeling Approaches (Christopher Potter, Mercedes Bustamante, Alessandra Kozovits, Richard Zepp, Laerte Ferreira, Alfredo Huete, Steven Klooster, Marc Kramer)
7.13-P: The Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM) and Its Applications in Carbon and Ecosystem Studies (Hanqin Tian, Mingliang Liu, Chi Zhang, Wei Ren, Guangsheng Chen, Xiaofeng Xu, Hua Chen)
7.14-P: Estimation of Evaporative Fraction from a Combination of Day and Night Land Surface Temperatures and NDVI: A New Method to Determine the Priestly-Taylor Parameter (Kaicun Wang, Zhanqing Li, M. Cribb)
7.15-P: Interpretive visualization of the Yellowstone ecosystem (Fred Watson, Thor Anderson, Wendi Newman, Thomas Thein, Jon Detka, Simon Cornish, Bob Garrott, PJ White, Susan Alexander, Rick Wallen)
7.16-P: Carbon Data Assimilation Using Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF) (Dusanka Zupanski, Scott Denning, Marek Uliasz, Andrew E. Schuh, Milija Zupanski)
7.17-P: Monitoring Sediment Resuspension in Coral Reefs and Seagrass Beds with MODIS and ASTER Sensors (Gerardo Toro-Farmer, Dale A. Kiefer, Burton Jones, Thaddeus Murdoch, Anne Glasspool)
Ecological Forecasting Posters:
8.1-P: Operational characterization of tropical forest change at high spatial resolution using a MODIS/Landsat data fusion approach in the Congo River Basin, Africa (Matthew Hansen, Erik Lindquist)
8.2-P: Assessing Fire Danger from Remotely Sensed Products within the Amur Tiger Habitat (Tatiana V. Loboda)
8.3-P: Ecological Forecasting for Protected Area Management (Forrest Melton, Rama Nemani, Petr Votava, Andrew Michaelis, Matthew Voss, Christina Tague)
8.4-P: Towards an operational system to identify aggregations of foraging right whales using satellite data and models (Andrew John Pershing, Bruce C Monger, Changsheng Chen, Christopher W Clark, Charles A Mayo)
8.5-P: Utilizing MODIS LAI to Identify Vegetative Anomalies in Yosemite National Park (J. W. Skiles, Cindy L. Schmidt, Matthew Voss, Allison Husby, Allison Suarez, Siddhartha Oza, Sachi Lake, Kristen Lavelle)
8.6-P: Heating it up in the intertidal: using remote sensing data in biophysical models to investigate climate-influenced species interactions (Lauren Szathmary, Allison Smith, Brian Helmuth, David S. Wethey)
8.7-P: Forecasting Rangeland Condition with GIS in Southeastern Idaho (Jerome Theau, Keith T Weber)
8.8-P: Forecasting in the Yellowstone Ecosystem: Development of Remotely-Sensed Estimates of Vegetation 3-D Structure, and Disturbance Dynamics for Initializing, Constraining and Testing Terrestrial Biosphere Models (Bob Crabtree, Paul Moorcroft, Sassan Saatchi, Shengli Huang, Christopher Potter, Jennifer Sheldon, Kerry Halligan)
8.9-P: SERVIR (Daniel Hardin)
1:50 PM | | Plenary: Modeling and Ecological Forecasting (part 2)
-- Auditorium
1:50 PM
Ecological Forecasting by Integrating Surface, Satellite and Climate Data with Ecosystem Models
-- (Ramakrishna Nemani)
2:15 PM
Message from the Maya: Ecological Destruction, Climate Change, and Cultural Collapse
-- (Tom Sever)
2:35 PM
Discussion: Modeling/Ecological Forecasting: Research to Applications
3:30 PM | | Breakout Groups |
1. Modeling goals & objectives/future directions
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: George Hurtt, Dennis Ojima
Room: 1109/1111
4. Systematic observations, CDRs/ESDRs, Data Products / Land Measurements Team (session 2)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Chris Justice, John Townshend
Room: 2110
6. Airborne (suborbital) science: sensors and platforms (session 2)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Scott Ollinger, Dar Roberts
Room: 109
7. ESSP missions and secondary uses of NASA satellite data (OCO, ICESat, etc.) (session 2)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Marc Simard, Hank Margolis
Room: 1115
8:30 AM | | Plenary: Carbon/Biogeochemistry and Carbon Management (part 1)
-- Auditorium
8:30 AM
The contribution of fire emissions to variability in the global carbon cycle
-- (James Randerson)
8:50 AM
Long Bloody Arguments (LBA): Ecological Accomplishments of the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia
-- (Michael Keller)
9:20 AM
Regional Carbon Data Assimilation and the North American Carbon Program
-- (Scott Denning)
9:55 AM
Remote Sensing Datasets and Large-Area Process Modeling in Support of the North American Carbon Program
-- (Jeff Masek)
10:45 AM | | Plenary: Carbon/Biogeochemistry and Carbon Management (part 2)
-- Auditorium
10:45 AM
Carbon Management in Agricultural Systems: Integration of Field Measurements, Inventory Data, Remote Sensing, and Agricultural Economics
-- (Tristram West)
11:10 AM
A carbon management project in the Applied Sciences Program
-- (Randolph Wynne)
11:35 AM
Discussion - Carbon/BiogeochemistryCarbon Management: Research to Applications
11:55 PM | | Lunch & Poster Sessions (authors at posters 1-2 pm)
-- Main Concourse
Carbon/Biogeochemistry Posters:
9.1-P: The influence of meridional transport on estimation of regional scale CO2 fluxes in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. (Joseph A Berry, Adam Wolf)
9.2-P: Reducing Uncertainties of Carbon Emissions from Land Use-Related Fires with MODIS Data: From Local to Global Scale (Ruth DeFries, G.J. Collatz, Doug Morton, Guido Van der Werf, James Randerson, Simon Trigg)
9.3-P: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for Biogeochemical Dynamics (Robert B. Cook, Robin L. Graham, Bruce E. Wilson)
9.4-P: Investigating Land-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange with a Coupled Biosphere-Atmospheric Model: SiB3-RAMS (Kathy D Corbin, Scott Denning, Ian Baker, Nick Parazoo, Andrew Schuh, Lixin Lu)
9.5-P: The Simple Biosphere Model, Version 3: Model Structure and Evaluation (Ian T Baker, Scott Denning, Joseph A Berry, James Collatz, Lara Prihodko, Kevin M Schaefer, Niall Hanan, Neil Suits)
9.6-P: Investigating the Synoptic Component in Atmospheric CO2 Variability Using An Atmospheric Transport Model (Nick Parazoo, Scott Denning, Ravi Lokupitiya, Ian Baker, Zhengxin Zhu, Randall Kawa)
9.7-P: Mesoscale Carbon Data ASsimilation in SiB-RAMS (Andrew E Schuh, Scott Denning, Marek Uliasz, Dusanka Zupanski)
9.8-P: The combined Simple Biosphere/Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (SiBCASA) Model (Kevin Schaefer, James Collatz, Pieter P Tans, Scott Denning, Ian Baker, Joseph A Berry, Lara Prihodko, Neil Suits, Andrew Philpott)
9.9-P: Monthly global emissions of anthropogenic CO2: Atmospheric CO2 transport calculations based on NASA data assimilation (David Erickson, TJ Blasing, Richard Mills, Forrest Hoffman, Matthew Devries, Z Zhu, Randy Kawa)
9.10-P: Recent Trends in U.S. Forest Disturbance and Regrowth from Landsat and USFS FIA : A Contribution to the North America Carbon Program (Samuel N. Goward, Jeffery Masek, Warren B. Cohen, Gretchen G. Moisen)
9.11-P: Africa and the global carbon cycle (Niall P Hanan, Christopher A Williams, Jason Neff, Robert J Scholes, Joseph A Berry, A Scott Denning, David F Baker)
9.12-P: Using remotely sensed data to asses the burn severity of wildland fires in Alaska’s interior boreal forest. (Elizabeth E Hoy, Eric S Kasischke, Nancy HF French, Merritt R Turetsky)
9.13-P: Reconstruct forest disturbance history using Landsat data: methodology development and preliminary results (Chenquan Huang, Samuel N. Goward, Jeffrey G. Masek, Nancy Thomas, Scott Powell, Karen Schleeweis)
9.14-P: Climatic variability, carbon exchange and vegetation vulnerability in Amazonia (Lucy R. Hutyra, James W. Munger, Scott R. Saleska, Plinio B. de Camargo, Steven C. Wofsy)
9.15-P: Progress in Modeling Global Atmospheric CO2 Fluxes and Transport (S. Randy Kawa, A. Scott Denning, G. James Collatz, David J. Erickson)
9.16-P: The National Biomass and Carbon Dataset 2000 (NBCD 2000): A High Spatial Resolution Baseline to Reduce Uncertainty in Carbon Accounting and Flux Modeling (Josef Kellndorfer, Wayne Walker, Elizabeth LaPoint, Michael Hoppus, James Westfall)
9.17-P: A sample design for Landsat-based estimation of national
trends in forest disturbance and regrowth
(Robert E Kennedy, Warren B Cohen, Gretchen G Moisen, Samuel N Goward, Michael Wulder, Scott L Powell, Jeffrey G Masek, Chengquan Huang, Sean Healey)
9.18-P: Automated characterization of disturbance year, intensity, and recovery rates
in a two-decade stack of yearly Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery
(Robert E Kennedy, Todd Schroeder, Warren B Cohen)
9.19-P: Satellite observations of Pan-Arctic Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity from 1982-2005 (Ke Zhang, John S Kimball, Ted Hogg, Maosheng Zhao, Walt Oechel, Steve W Running)
9.20-P: The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR): The North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle (Anthony King, Lisa Dilling, David Fairman, Richard Houghton, Gregg Marland, Adam Rose, Tom Wilbanks, Greg Zimmerman)
9.21-P: Use of a MODIS-Derived Photochemical Reflectance Index to Detect Interannual Variations in the Photosynthetic Light-Use Efficiency of a Boreal Deciduous Forest (Guillaume Drolet, K. Fred Huemmrich, Forrest Hall, Elizabeth Middleton, Andy Black, Alan Barr, Hank Margolis)
9.22-P: Comparison of Carbon Fluxes Over Three Boreal Black Spruce Forests in Canada. (Onil Bergeron, Hank Margolis, Andy Black, Carole Coursolle, Allison Dunn, Alan Barr, Steve Wofsy)
9.23-P: Ecosystem-Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Fluxes for Canadian Forests and Peatlands. (Hank A Margolis)
9.24-P: North American Disturbance Rates Assessed from LEDAPS Satellite Analysis (Jeffrey G Masek, Forrest Hall, Chengquan Huang, Samuel Goward, Robert Wolfe, Warren Cohen)
9.25-P: The Effect of Canopy Gaps on Subcanopy Ventilation and Scalar Fluxes above a Tropical Forest (Scott Miller, Mike Goulden, Humberto Rocha)
9.26-P: Scaling and Evaluation of Ecosystem Carbon Uptake Through Integration of Multi-Scale Remote Sensing with AmeriFLUX Field Observations (Scott Ollinger, Mary Martin, Marie-Louise Smith, Andrew Richardson, Lucie Plourde, Jenkins Julian, David Hollinger)
9.27-P: Next-Generation SAR Amazon Mosaic:
JERS and RADARSAT (Leland E Pierce)
9.28-P: Evolution of the Latitudinal Gradient of Atmospheric CO2 and Its Relationship to Anthropogenic and Natural Sources and Sinks (Stephen Charles Piper, Ralph Keeling)
9.29-P: Terrestrial Carbon Sinks for the United States Predicted from MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling (Christopher Potter, Steven Klooster, Alfredo Huete, Vanessa Genovese)
9.30-P: Integration of Forest Inventory Data with Landsat Time Series Data for Characterization of Forest Disturbance and Regrowth: Joint Objectives of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) and Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) (Scott L Powell, Warren B Cohen, Sean P Healey, Robert E Kennedy, Gretchen G Moisen, Sam N Goward, Jeff G Masek, Chengquan Huang)
9.31-P: Effects of terrestrial carbon-nitrogen coupling on climate-carbon cycle feedbacks (Peter Thornton, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Nan Rosenbloom)
9.32-P: Interdisciplinary Research of Carbon and Water Cycles in the Terrestrial Ecosystems of China (Hanqin Tian, Jerry Melillo, Steve Running, Jiyuan Liu, Ranga Myneni)
9.33-P: Scaling soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes in heterogeneous northern forest landscapes. (Peter Weishampel, Jennifer King, Randall Kolka)
9.34-P: Estimating Regional Changes in Soil Carbon with High Spatial Resolution: Integrating Field Measurements, Inventory Data, and Remote Sensing Products (Tristram O. West, Craig C Brandt, Bradly Wilson, Chad Hellwinckel, Marcella Mueller, Donald D. Tyler, Daniel De La Torre Ugarte)
9.35-P: Characterization of seasonal variation of forest canopy in a temperate deciduous broadleaf forest, using daily MODIS data (Qingyuan Zhang, Xiangming Xiao, Bobby Braswell, Berrien Moore III)
9.36-P: Mapping high-resolution incident Photosynthetically Active Radiation over land from satellite observations (Tao Zheng, Dongdong Wang, Shunlin Liang, Steve Running, John Townshend, Si-Chee Tsay)
9.37-P: Optimization of Global CO2 Fluxes at High Resolution using the Coupled MLEF-PCTM Model (Ravi Lokupitiya, Dusanka Zupanski, Scott Denning, Nick Parazoo, Randall Kawa, Zhengxin Zhu)
Carbon Management Posters:
10.1-P: Linking Landscape-Scale Carbon Monitoring with Forest Management (Richard Birdsey, Michael Ryan, Marie-Louise Smith, Randall Kolka, Steven McNulty, John Hom, Chris Potter, Michael Lefsky, John Bradford, Peter Weishampel)
10.2-P: Remote Sensing Crop residue Cover and Soil Tillage Intensity (Craig S. T. Daughtry, Paul C. Doraiswamy, E. Raymond Hunt)
10.3-P: Using temporal filters to deduce the cause of forest disturbances detected with time series of Landsat data (Sean Healey, Scott Powell, Randall Morin, Warren Cohen, Gretchen Moisen, Samuel Goward, Jeffrey Masek, Andrew Lister, Robert Kennedy, Chenquan Huang)
10.4-P: A Global Forest Height and Biomass Product from ICESat (Michael Lefsky, Michael Keller, David Harding)
10.5-P: A Carbon Management Estimation System for US Agricultural Lands: Supporting Policy and Management Decisions (Stephen M Ogle, Keith Paustian, Chris Potter, Steven Klooster, F Jay Breidt, Richard Conant)
10.6-P: Projections of Land-Use Change and the Carbon-Cycle (Steven Smith)
10.7-P: Decision Support for Forest Carbon Management (Randolph H. Wynne, Chrisopher S. Potter, John R. Seiler, Thomas R. Fox, Ralph L. Amateis, David A. Sampson)
2:00 PM | | Breakout Groups |
1. Carbon cycle science goal & objectives/future directions
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Steve Wofsy, Eric Davidson
Room: Auditorium
3. Data & information systems and processing (session 2)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Tony King, Paul Davis
Room: 1109/1111
6. Modeling tools and computational capabilities (session 2)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Peter Thornton, Randy Kawa
Room: 2112
8. New and currently unmet needs for observations and/or support (session 2)
[questions and discussion]
Chairs: Robert Green, Kathleen Bergen
Room: 109
7:00 PM | | Special Sessions |
NASA Observations and Measurements
(Ed Sheffner)
Chair: Ed Sheffner
Room: Auditorium
This special session will review NASA Earth observation instruments and data products with a focus on CloudSAT, CALIPSO, and instruments to be launched before 2012. Discussion will include data products and potential impact on research and applications. Special attention will focus on planned Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) and how they can be used in rapid prototyping for applied sciences.